Beware the Hyper-Critics

neptune posted a comment · Aug 06, 2020
A couple more points: 1) A common root cause of slander is envy; 2) People who are hyper-critical are usually (unconsciously) projecting their own faults onto others. For instance, if I say, "Jack has zero understanding of Scripture and no love for God!!!", then chances are that I'm the one who doesn't love God or understand Scripture. ;)

neptune posted a comment · Aug 06, 2020
The Bible has a lot to say about this important issue, using various words such as "scoffers" and "scorners." Here's a brief excerpt from an online Bible study tool: "Slanderers and backbiters are mentioned in some of Paul's darkest catalogues of evildoers (Romans 1:29,30; 2 Corinthians 12:20; 2 Timothy 3:3). To refrain from slander is an important qualification for citizenship in theocracy (Psalms 15:1,3; 24:3,4) and for a place in the Christian church (1 Timothy 3:11; Titus 2:3). Jesus Himself was the victim of slanders (Matthew 11:19) and of false testimony (Matthew 27:63)."
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